Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Road Trips While Pregnant: Should you do it?

Don't be silly! The answer is NO! 

It's clear I'm not as good and regular at blogging as I used to be... and once these babies arrive, I don't expect it to become anymore regular, but whatever.  What can ya do huh?  Life happens.  A lot of life has been happening for us in the past month or so.  Read on to find out what this nesting mama has been up too!
 The big thing that went down in the life of Sarah and Cody was out 15 hour (one way) road trip back home to Jax for Christmas!  It is NOT a trip I recommend making while 32 weeks pregnant with twins.  I don't recommend doing it pregnant AT ALL!  I've never seen such sausage-y, elephant-like feet.  Even though I had my doctor's go ahead and stopped every 2-3 hours to walk around, it was an incredibly uncomfortable ride no matter how I slept or sat.
In the end it was all worth it though!  It was so nice to finally see my mom again and spend time with our family and friends.  Being pregnant has made me really look forward to Christmases with kids!  Christmas in Germany was lovely but It was better seeing my nephews excitement on Christmas morning when he went to see what Santa left under the tree!  I can't wait to start some of our own family traditions during the holidays with Oliver and Aria, even though I expect their first Christmas they'll be more excited by wrapping paper and empty boxes than actual presents.
My sister in law, with the help of her friend, took the time to throw us a baby shower, for which I am eternally grateful! It turned out beautifully even though the theme was "Baby, it's cold outside" and Florida decided that 90 degrees was a festive temperature that day.  Every person we knew came out to show their love and support for these two babies and it was incredible!  It was like being at my wedding; I wanted to talk and say hello to every person there but it felt impossible!  I really hope I did, but if I missed someone, I'm sincerely sorry for being a jerk.  Now I just need to write my thank you notes before these babies arrive and I don't have time!
The drive home was made better by the compression stockings my sister in law gave me.  My feet still swelled up, but not nearly as bad, plus they added the perfect touch to my traveling ensemble of peacock pajama pants, stretchy maternity tank and flip-flops.  The true highlights of the trip back to Texas happened in Louisiana where I had the BEST CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME of my entire life!  I kid you not this thing was bangin' and that's not just pregnant taste buds talking.  Both the cheese AND the sour cream were evenly distributed and the tortilla was not only folded so symmetrically, but was the perfect amount of crisp!  Later that evening on a gas fill up/ bathroom break the cashier asked when I was due.  I told her "February 12th, if they even make it that far."  She responded in the most perfect creole accent "Dey??  Wat you mean dey?!"  And I loved it.  I wanted to wrap her up and take her home with us, that accent made me so happy!
Ever since we got home I've been in crazy nesting mode!  Cody as usual, is the laid back one.  He put together the crib and helps with what ever I ask, and then he lays his big 'ol red head down at night and drifts off to dream land with out a care in the world.  I on the other hand can't get comfortable and can't stop going through my mental lists of things that have yet to be done.  Sometimes to help, I physically write out the list... which never really helps because I always think of more to add to it.  Sometimes I'll lose my self in Pinterest, which is a double edged sword because I find adorable DIY things to add to my list of things to make for babies.  Which at this point seems ridiculously last minute but is the only thing that keeps my mind sane!  So tonight as I laid in bed trying to sleep yet again, I gave up, got up, and designed the feather embroidery I plan to put on a pillow case for the twins.  It will one day sit in whatever chair we get for the nursery that we will have when we move, but for now it's something to do.  
On the more disappointing side of things, poor Cody has to have surgery on his knee again.  He tore his cadaver ACL and has to have that replaced along with a meniscus repair.  We are hoping the doctors will plan the surgery around the birth of the twins, so I can have some recovery time before Cody has to go under the knife.  My poor guy!  But he's been so good to me this whole pregnancy, it'll be nice to "pay him back" so to speak.  Plus, he'll have more time to spend with the twins!  It more than likely will extend our time here in San Antonio, in our shoe box apartment, but whatever.  We've been through worse.  This will be a walk in the park! 
 So there it is.  I'd like to keep up with this blog once the babies arrive and as they grow, but only time will tell.  Perhaps this will turn into one of those awesome mom blogs where I make everyone envious of my daily toddler activities.  Or maybe it will morph into something else.  Eh, I'm a go with the flow kind of gal... we'll just have to see what happens! 
Until next time Y'all! 

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