Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Space A Part Two

-OR- how to not hate your life until your name is called
In my last post I explained Space A, which was probably boring, but also necessary.  Waiting 4 days for a flight doesn't make much sense if you don’t understand the crazy rules and order that is Space A, but here I will tell you how I maintained my sanity (or barely managed to hold onto it, might be a better way of putting it).

Monday, October 13, 2014

Space A: Part One

-OR- how to understand WTF this chick is talking about.
When I left for the states I took the cheapest route available to me, which is Space A.  In the military world it has many names including hop and rotator, and for those of you who have no earthly idea what I’m saying, that’s OK.  I’m gonna break it down for ‘ya.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

As I Suffer From Jet Lag..

I’ve realized I haven't written a blog post in MONTHS!  It’s shameful really, and yet not entirely true.  I actually wrote about the World Cup and what and experience it was and if I can find it I will publish it and back date it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

World Cup

or: How awesome soccer is when you’re not in the US
I’ve never been particularly interested in televised sports.  For a long time I wasn’t interested in sports AT ALL.  And then I went to a Gator game and I was hooked.  It was nothing like the Colorado high school football games, which I had previously used to gage weather or not I would enjoy any sporting event.  No, this was something entirely new, and I began to enjoy live sports.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Two Months Later…

It’s blog writing time y’all!  I have no excuses this time on length between posts… other than good old fashioned laziness.  But since my last post, much has happened; My first on location radio show and Amsterdam to name a few!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Big Deal

I try to keep this blog upbeat and fun, it very much mirrors my personality.  I don’t like to dwell in the negative, and when I do, I try to at least find the humor in it.  “Happiness is a choice” is a phrase I’ve uttered more than once.  So I’ve been less than eager to blog about our struggles with infertility, but isn’t this a part of our life?  No one goes through life without their fair share of uphill battles and I am no exception.  Also, this has completely occupied mind for the past year, so it’s time I wrote about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

March went out like a Lion,

A whippin’ up the water in the bay!
Boy have I been busy!  The musical just ended, we went to our first ball, hiked, climbed, camped and I’ve just undertaken a new volunteer position as a radio personality on AFN Bavaria (Armed Forces Network)!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Parkstein and Duolingo

Last Sunday, Cody and I went to the nearby town of Parkstein as part of our newly added “Sunday Walks” inspired by Germans, who walk, if not daily, ALWAYS on Sunday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Doing Stuff and Things

Ice skating, ringing in the new year, rock climbing, and Prague have been the highlights since my last post.  I’m co-directing the high school’s musical and it has been occupying quite a bit of my time but I’m loving every minute of it!  Cody is nearing the end of his reintegration period, which means regular work days and a lot less four day weekends, so it will be back to normal soon around here.