Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Big Deal

I try to keep this blog upbeat and fun, it very much mirrors my personality.  I don’t like to dwell in the negative, and when I do, I try to at least find the humor in it.  “Happiness is a choice” is a phrase I’ve uttered more than once.  So I’ve been less than eager to blog about our struggles with infertility, but isn’t this a part of our life?  No one goes through life without their fair share of uphill battles and I am no exception.  Also, this has completely occupied mind for the past year, so it’s time I wrote about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

March went out like a Lion,

A whippin’ up the water in the bay!
Boy have I been busy!  The musical just ended, we went to our first ball, hiked, climbed, camped and I’ve just undertaken a new volunteer position as a radio personality on AFN Bavaria (Armed Forces Network)!