Uuuuuuup Date,
from the slacker.
So here I’ve let a month go by with out blogging ANYTHING! Shame shame Miss Jay! I guess I’ll catch you up to speed.
We got our IKEA funiture and it’s wonderful! It’s so nice to have our very own soft couch to curl up on with a blanket when it’s snowing. We have our eye on a chair we like from IKEA even though we wanted to change things up a bit and NOT look like we live in a sample room at the IKEA store. Oh well, it’s cheap and cute and I love it! I cut some raffia blinds to fit over the back of the glass doors of the TV stand so we can shove whatever we want back there and not worry about it looking nice. Bonus!
We went sledding (Cody’s first time) with our friends the McKenzie’s and had a blast! When we were done we were exhausted and chilled to the bone but it was so worth it. Now Cody is dying to learn how to ski! I guess I’ll give skiing one more go but if it turns out as terrible as the first time I went, I’ll be a sledder for life!
Remember all those weeks ago when I said I was gonna get back to the gym? Well, I did and it feels great! I’m still a little sore after work outs but it’s not as bad as that first week back. Cody’s getting back into a good gym routine also, he has to since he’s been moved to a new unit as a line medic. They are very “high speed” as they say in the army lingo, and do some pretty heavy PT. He’s a little worried that he’ll have trouble keeping up, but I have no doubt that he’ll be fine. And from the sound of it he’ll prolly be getting pretty buff with all the pull-up he’ll have to do! Looks like I’ll have a lot of catching up to do.

We had a great party for Cody’s birthday last month and I met some new friends. I actually met two wives who also don’t have children yet, and aren’t fresh out of high school! It’s such a rarity I thought I might be the only one. It’s nice to be making friends again. I’m trying to get more involved in the community. I volunteered to be a point of contact for our Family Readiness Group, and I’m trying to get involved with the Glee Club (yes there is an adult glee club… laugh all you want, I’m stoked!) but they are on a break or hiatus of some sort right now. I’m also looking into getting my HHB (home based business) and doing some freelance makeup artist work. It would be something fun that I could do and earn a little extra money here and there.
This past weekend we went back to Bamberg for a day trip with some friends. It was nice to have the smoked beer again and see a little more of the city. It is so beautiful! I can’t wait to go back to Regensburg again. We also went into a few trachten stores and Cody’s decided he wants a pair of lederhosen… the short ones. They have some pretty nice deals on the whole getup including socks and shoes and we can use a VAT form at most stores so I think this is gonna happen. And in spring I want to have pictures done in our traditional trachten! What better souvenir?
Some other little things; we are trying to eat less meat and more veggies so I’ve been making at least three meat-less meals a weak. We also have one night a week that’s TV-free night. It’s new so we’ve been having a hard time finding things to do but watching TV all the time gets pretty tedious!
So that’s about it for the brief summary. More to come soon! Tschüss!
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