I forgot what that is…
There is SO MUCH SNOW on the ground, out tiki man has a flat-top!
AND bushy eye brows!

He looks pretty good that way huh? I’m thinking when spring comes I want to replace the snow flat top with a pot of some sort of long grass that I can trim into what ever strikes my fancy.
Getting to the gym today is NOT going to happen. I usually make my self go, but I’m not doing it today. We have a jump rope somewhere around here, I’ll find it and do that… maybe. But I’m definitely making potato soup for dinner.
And all this is why it’s so easy to gain weight in winter!!!! No one wants to go to the gym when getting there means freezing your ass off. It’s much nicer to sit inside, watch the snow and eat yummy warm, creamy soups and comfort foods.
We got that nice little fire basket on the local Take My Stuff page for $30 and it’s been great for having people over! Unfortunately, it wreaks havoc on the floors. When you mix snow and ash, it creates a mess worse than mud. After Cody’s party I mopped the floor twice, sighed, then called my friend and asked to borrow her steam mop. Now I have my own and clean up is quick and easy!
Well, I’m gonna go drink some hot cocoa (I’ve been drinking entirely too much coffee lately, gotta cut back *twitch) and accomplish my main goal of the day which is to get OUT of these comfy pajamas, or as I like to call them; jajamas. Tschüss!
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