Day trip to Regensburg
where my camera died because I forgot to charge it.
This is the second time I’ve gone on a little day trip and I’ve forgotten to charge my damn camera! But I did get some pictures, mostly of the amazing cathedral. There was so much to do and see in Regensburg, and I didn’t get to do the thing I wanted to so most which was see the Domspatzen which is the boys choir, so I think we’ll have to go back in late spring early summer and go to a Sunday mass just to hear them perform.
It was a beautiful city and we did what we always love to do, which is drink beer, eat food, and walk around. I did get a few good pictures though. I took many of St. Peters Cathedral We ate at the “worlds oldest fast food restaurant know by name as Wurstküche. It’s a tiny little building right on the river with a dining room the size of our own, and you can either sit and be served or walk right up and grab a bratwurst to-go, which is what most people did. We chose to sit as we wanted to rest our feet for a bit, even though it was outside and cold, we wanted the novelty of it.
Next we set off on foot and decided we wanted sit inside somewhere to warm up after all, so we found a cozy little café and had some warm drinks. (Well, I had a warm drink, Cody had a beer and a bourbon, which warmed him up) Shortly after that my camera died, but we certainly intend to go back and I WON’T forget to charge my camera then. Lesson learned… hopefully.

Other than that , I’ve been channeling my inner Martha Stewart after a short bout of the blues, which is customary in the 7 or however-many, emotional steps that come with moving to another country. I decided to start doing all the crafty, homemaker-ish things that I’ve always wanted to do but never really had the time to do while working. It’s been nice. I’ve got a list of crafty projects and furniture re-finishing projects a mile long and I’ve done some of those weird cleaning things that you’re supposed to do every so often, but never do because they’re not regular enough to become habit. Like washing our bed pillows.
Today IKEA comes and so does housing to take away the loaner couch. I’m super excited except that it snowed last night and now I’m obligated to shovel the walk so they don’t trip or slip or something. So I’m sure I’ll be posting pictures of our lovely new couch and other goodies because I’m so freaking excited about it! So until next time, Tschüss! (or as was popular in Regensburg; Ciao!)
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