Sunday, January 6, 2013

To IKEA and back again

but first to Bamberg
IKEA.  I love it, it’s like my grown-up Disney land!  I’ve been looking forward to going there to buy our couch for over a year.  See, I’ve had my eye on the same sofa there for nearly two years, and I’ve been waiting and waiting to get get the damn thing!  We decided that we would go on a little shopping spree with our DLA money.
DLA stands for dislocation allowance and it’s a set amount of money that the ARMY gives you after you move to help offset the cost of moving and setting up all those things like cable, internet, utilities and what not.  The problem is, you don’t actually get the money until months after you’ve moved.  At that point most people have already swallowed the cost of setting everything up, as did we. So, why not put it toward something awesome that we need anyway? 
We had originally planned to rent a van and drive to IKEA and bring everything back ourselves, but in Germany, everything is closed on Sundays including car rental places, meaning we were obligated to rent a car through the weekend which would have been just over 300EUR! But as we looked into it more, we found that IKEA will transport your goods for a set cost based on a grid of the cost of the products you purchased.  So, taking a train and having everything transported for us was over 150EUR cheaper! WHAT WHAT!  The only down side is that it won’t be delivered until the 17th, but I’ve waited this long, what’s a few more weeks?
three flat beds and one cart of goodies from IKEA!
After we shopped we ate some yummy lunch in the restaurant and headed back to the Bahnhof.  We were feeling pretty tired and were considering going home, but we had bought a Bavaria pass and we had both been wanting to see Bamberg and try the famous smoked beer we’ve heard so much about.  One of the nicest things about living in Germany is the public transportation system.  It is so easy to get around!  For 24EUR one can get a regional day pass for two people. With is you can travel throughout that region all day on any form of public transport you’d like; bus, train, subway, anything!  It makes getting around so easy!.  So we thought why not get the most bang for our Euro?
We took a train to Bamberg, stashed the IKEA goodies we were carrying in a locker at the Bahnhof, and set off on foot.  The only down side to the day was the weather.  It was a dreary, grey day with a constant hazy drizzle.  But nothing a raincoat, hat and gloves couldn't fend off.  We meandered down the cobblestone paths and did a little H&M shopping.  Cody got an awesomely long and chunky scarf,  (he keeps admiring the way middle aged German men dress, and he’s right! They have great style!) and I got one of those floaty light weight scarves.
As we were looking at one of the “you are here” maps posted around the city, deciding where to go, an older gentleman on a bicycle stopped and asked us something in German.  We struggled though in our terrible German explaining that we don’t speak German and he said “OH!  English! Are you looking for someplace?” and gestured toward the map.  PERFECT!  I love getting help and advice from locals!  We told him we were wanting to try the smoked beer and he told us and then took us to the Gasthaus made famous by the beer, and the place with the best beer.  He said we should go look inside the famous Gasthaus so we could say we had been there and then go into the other one to drink because they had both the smoked beers and we could taste test and decide for ourselves which was better.  He asked us how we were liking Germany and where we were from.  The instant we said we were living in Vilseck he knew we were Army.  He asked us if we knew so and so, he was a great man and we should look him up.  Then he wished us a good night and took off again on his bicycle.  He was so kind, friendly and helpful! And I don’t think we would have found the little smoked beer place with out him!
The beer Schlenkerla, was made famous at this Gasthaus.
The smoked beer smelled like bacon and tasted like it on the finish.  It went very well with the Bamberger bratwurst I ordered for dinner.  I love how each town has their own beer and bratwurst!  I enjoy trying each one as we travel to each new place. The day was long and tiring but it was so much fun making the spontaneous decision to go to Bamberg. And while we ate dinner I was reminded of how much I love living in Germany.  I do get sad, and I do start missing everyone I love, but being able to spend a Saturday afternoon visiting an old historic German city and then go home and curl up in my own bed is priceless.  I can’t wait to see as much of Germany and beyond as I can! And I can’t wait to put together all of our IKEA stuff when it arrives!  I’m sure you’ll get to hear about that also!  Until then, Tschüss!
PS-If you are interested in knowing a little more about Bamberg click here.

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