Sunday, December 30, 2012


Too much of it and too little
Wow!  It’s been awhile since my last post!  I have all the time in the world;  I don’t work.  Keeping up with the house and laundry is not that hard or time consuming, but it is easy to get myself lost in stupid time wasting things that help my day pass more quickly.  But I refuse to become one of those miserable army wives that live in oversized sweat pants and baggy t-shirts, doing nothing but bitch and complain all day, and I feel like I might be heading that way.  But NO MORE!  I’ve decided I have no excuse not to use this time to better myself and I’ve assembled a plan.

Monday, December 17, 2012

“I’m dreaming tonight of a place I love,”

“even more than I usually do.”
I am trying very hard to stay positive and not dwell on the negative, and so far, I’m doing a damn good job of it!  That being said, I think we are all entitled to bitch and moan a little here and there right?  We’re all allowed a moment of negativity, so here’s mine.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Let it Snow!

something something something dark side
It has been snowing steadily all day, It’s at least three inches deep right outside the back door.  I really want to go sledding and make snow angels and have a snowball fight… not a snowball fight with Cody though, he plays for keeps.  Instead, I’ve been unpacking our unaccompanied baggage shipment that arrived today.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


and other German (or not) happenings
All the Germans on post are very kind.  Every last one wished us a happy Thanksgiving last week even though it’s not something they celebrate.  My favorite was the man I spoke to to come fix our dryer!  He said “haf a heppy… uhhhh… tanksgiffing? Ja.”  Loved it!  That’s why I think every German person who says their English is not so good, or they only speak a little bit, is full of it!  Try hearing my German!  I’m still trying to master “may I have” cause it’s full of all these forward facing vowels… ARG!”

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A week!

Has it been that already?
I arrived in Germany a week ago today and I cannot believe how much has happened and how differently time feels now that I’m here.  It’s almost three o’clock and there is about an hour and a half of daylight left in the day. The light is dim enough outside, that my brain is telling me to start cooking dinner, even though my stomach is saying “Shut-up! You just ate lunch!”

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jet lag is a bitch

and other sleepy ramblings
So here I am in Deutschland FINALLY!  It was like the dam that was holding in all my emotion broke when I saw Cody!  I caught a glimpse of him as he ran around the bus that had just dropped us off and my eyes instantly welled with tears!

Monday, November 12, 2012

It is what you make it

This ancient army wife motto has been mine own motto all along (well, kinda)
After all this waiting and wondering over when I will leave, and worry about the dogs, packing, unpacking, packing again, and many, many heartfelt good byes, the day is finally here!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Looking back on this week

and on ten years
I have three day left in America.  Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.  THREE! So much has been happening over the past week that it’s hard to keep up or even remember, but I’ll try…

Monday, November 5, 2012

Am I awake?

No, for real, am I?
I feel like I’m in a dream; numb, surreal, and discombobulated.  Everything has happened so quickly in the past two weeks, that it just seems to blur together the way a dream does once you awake.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tick tock, tick tock.

Where did all the time go?
Time is truly fleeting.  All the while I’ve know I was going to Germany, I’ve kept telling my self “there is plenty of time to do that” and yet here I am, two weeks out with… well, two weeks.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

All Hollow's Birthday

A random musing to fill some time

So, I pretty much have the most AWESOME birthday ever! Halloween! But since Halloween is on a Wednesday this year and I’ve been in PCS move stress overload, I didn’t want to plan anything. I always thought I would plan something outrageously fun for my 30th birthday because, I mean come on… I’m turning 30! That’s like a milestone of sorts. It’s the age that people actually BELIEVE that you’re an adult, unlike your 20’s where your in that strange limbo between teenager and full fledged adult.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Today, I am the villain

Or so my inner child tells me.
Gregory Maguire is one of my favorite authors. I love how he takes child hood stories in which the characters seemed so cut and dry; The evil stepmother and her spoiled, bratty daughters, or the wicked witch of the west, and gives them a spin that only adulthood can make you realize, and empathize with.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Shit Storm made land fall

and is heading due west for Sanity Island
Oh. My. God.  This is so stressful!  Just when you think you’ve got your shit together you get slapped in the face with…  MORE SHIT!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hurry up and wait

The unofficial army motto
With the army, you spend a whole lot of time waiting for the paperwork you need to do something, then, when you finally get it, you rush around trying to get everything done to move on to the next step.  I’m a planner.  I like to know what’s coming and the steps I need to take to get there, and not knowing when I’m moving has been EXTREEMLY stressful.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sarah Blue-Jay?

What kind of a name is that?
Sarah is my name, but how I got the “blue-jay” after it is a sweet little story that always warms my soul.

Awating my own Arival

...and a breif history on how I got there.

Change is exciting! Change is also stressful and overwhelming at times.  I thought I had spent the last three years preparing for this change and now that it is nearly upon me, I feel completely overwhelmed and UNprepared.