The unofficial army motto
With the army, you spend a whole lot of time waiting for the paperwork you need to do something, then, when you finally get it, you rush around trying to get everything done to move on to the next step. I’m a planner. I like to know what’s coming and the steps I need to take to get there, and not knowing when I’m moving has been EXTREEMLY stressful.
I’ve no doubt the stress is made worse by the fact that I’ve never done this before. A move across the ocean is daunting and intimidating, so I am very, VERY grateful for all the assistance the military does provide, but it doesn’t lessen how maddening this is at this exact moment. I want to do everything possible to get to my husband, I’m so over being apart, and we are so close in this process I can taste it, yet I still don’t know the actual date I will be leaving the states. Just today, I found out that transportation has been arranged and the moving company is calling me to see which day to arrange a pack and pickup, but I don’t know my work schedule for next week and my boss is on break. Just these little insanely annoying things that wouldn't even phase me if I wasn't so eager to FINALLY reunite with my husband!
So why not blog away my frustration to pass the time? I’m really hoping that the next time we PCS somewhere, it will be a breeze because I’ll know what’s coming and what to expect. And hopefully I’ll be a little more acclimated to army life, and the “hurry up and wait”-ness that accompanies it!
But for now I’ll soothe my frustrations the best way I’ve found for this fort of thing; focusing on all the things I’m excited about, and right now I’m excited that Cody moved into a house TODAY! We are moving from a little one bed room apartment in the San Marco neighborhood of Jax, to a three bedroom, two and a half bath, town home on post in Vilsek, Germany!!!!!! I don’t think we even have enough furniture to fill a three bedroom house!
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