Friday, November 9, 2012

Looking back on this week

and on ten years
I have three day left in America.  Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.  THREE! So much has been happening over the past week that it’s hard to keep up or even remember, but I’ll try…
So I spent the first half of the week hoping that the people who were interested in Roxy would want her, but it didn’t work out, so I spent the next few days DESPERATLY trying to find her a home.  All the no-kill shelters were full and my only option was Animal Care and Control, where I was sure she’d be put down.  But my sister-in-law is moving into her own place in December and wants to take her! (she was the original rescuer of Roxy)  Problem is, Roxy still needs a home until then.  Today my friend called and said she could foster Roxy until then!  HOORAY.  So tomorrow I drive Roxy down to Palatka.
My sweet puppy
Yesterday was my last day of work… indefinitely.  I don’t know if I’ll work on base yet or not; It’s all up in the air.  I’ve worked since I was 16,  It’s going to be strange not having something to get up and do each day, and I’m not sure how long that will last.  It would be different if I had children they would surely occupy my day!
Communicating with my husband has become difficult.  His unit is back from the field and he has become much more busy with little time to respond to emails.  That has been quite hard.  But only four more days until I see him.
I have a good-bye dinner with my co-workers on Sunday which I am looking forward to, I am also hoping to see everyone I’d like to, but I have a sinking feeling it’s not going to happen.  Nonetheless, my fingers are crossed!
I cried saying my goodbyes to some friends last night,  It took awhile to gather myself as I waked to my car.  I guess the flood gates are opening… but I held it together at lunch with a couple girlfriends today.
I keep thinking about the beautiful city and people I’m leaving behind.  When I first moved here, it was a huge adjustment! Over my 10 years in Jacksonville, I’ve truly come to love this city and I’ve met and befriended the most wonderful, beautiful people, in both heart and outward appearance!  I met my husband in this city, I’ve made lifelong friends in this city.  I called this place home.
This is the San Marco square down the streen from our apartmentbeautiful fountain and sitting park in the square
One screen theater that serves beer, wine and foodor "Marco Cove" as Cody liked to call it.  We saw manatee here once!
This is right on the river, not far from our apartment
Love this bridge at night!
I’m so excited about moving to Germany, there is a lot that awaits us and much to see, but I have really grown in my time in Jacksonville, Florida, and my life has become something completely different and more wonderful than I had imagined it ten years ago!  I will miss this place, and these people more than I can possibly put into words!


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