A whippin’ up the water in the bay!
Boy have I been busy! The musical just ended, we went to our first ball, hiked, climbed, camped and I’ve just undertaken a new volunteer position as a radio personality on AFN Bavaria (Armed Forces Network)!
Since my last post a lot has gone on! The musical Hairspray was a success! The community received it well and we earned over $4000.00 for the drama club! The kids worked so hard and it really showed in their performances. As a parting gift they gave me a frame with photos from the performance and their signatures on the mat. All that’s left now is to schedule a day to strike the set and clean up.
We went on a short camping/ hiking trip with friends. The weather has been warming up nicely and hiking in the sun was fantastic! It did get pretty cold that night but we made it through.
Our first military ball was lots of fun. We got dressed to the nines, me with my 20’s era look (I take a theme and run with it) and Cody in his 10 gallon hat! We danced, and ate, and had a wonderful time.

As the musical was coming to an end I began to search for something else to do. It may not make sense but I am more productive when I’m busy than when I have absolutely nothing to do. At first I thought “This not working thing is AWESOME!! I have all the time in the world to do what ever I want.” Only problem was I had no motivation to do anything. So I knew I needed to do something regularly. While we were promoting the musical we were interviewed by the radio station and I found out that they also take volunteers. I contacted them and now I am helping out with the afternoon show. It’s only been two days but I’m really enjoying it, and I’m hoping to learn some new skills while I’m at it. I’ve also applied to a free dental assisting program that is offered once a year to dependents. The spots are limited and I’ve heard it’s competitive, but I have an interview soon and we’ll see how it goes.
Other than that we are looking forward to the start of Fest Season! The Frühlings Fest starts this month and we are prepared with our dirndl and lederhosen! We’ve also heard that there will be a German/American Volksfest this year. We’ve heard that it is a fantastic fest put on by the garrison, but last year’s was canceled due to budget cuts and sequestration. Lots to look forward to this spring!
As a side note: Magnum bars in Germany are AMAZING. I found sliver dipped champagne flavored magnum bars! Look at these babies!
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