An Epic Blur
of awesomeness
There aren’t many times in my life when I’ve agreed to do something totally fun, slightly illegal, and most likely out of my comfort zone/ fitness abilities. But when my friend Megan and her visiting buddy Kirsten invited me on a week long trip that included climbing a mountain and primitively camping, I was ready. Full steam ahead!

My confidence must have been fueled by my recent achievement of finishing a 12 week fitness program, and quite frankly, had I not just finished it, I likely would have keeled over while hiking up the Grünstein. You see, I’ve never hiked before. I’ve gone on a vigorous up-hill walk plenty of times. Sometimes there were even large rocks and small streams to maneuver. This? This was hiking up a 1304 m (4,278 ft.) mountain with a huge and heavy backpack strapped to oneself in a most unflattering way. It was hard, exhausting, and un-glamorous in every possible way and I LOVED it!
If finishing LiveFit made me feel empowered, this made me feel on top of the world… and I have the pictures to prove it!

We had the most amazing view as we nibbled our breakfast at the top of an Alp. We did not camp at the summit of this mountain however. Camping outside of designated camping areas in Germany is not allowed, so made camp a little further down the mountain in some thick woods away from the trails. We left no trace and packed out what we packed in, so don’t worry; no fuzzy woodland critters were harmed on this adventure.
We also visited Munich where we camped in the car, and Garmish where we lived like queens at the Edelweiss Hotel while we spent our days visiting castles and our night soaking in the hot tub. While these things were wonderful, they just didn’t hold a candle to the awesomeness that was my first primitive camping experience! (We fit so much into one week that it is a bit of blur. Thank goodness for digital cameras!)
Until next time Tschüss!
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