Been a sort of Busy Bee
At least I suppose I’ve been busy, but there are surely LOTS of bees here in Germany. In fact, there have been a lot more bugs in general than I had expected, since the weather warmed up. I’ve had an ant problem and I keep finding increasingly larger spiders throughout the house. I also, have bites all over my legs that are unlike anything I’ve ever had. They take a ridiculous amount of time to heal and itch something fierce!
Anyway, took care of the ants with some sort of “ant motel” type thing from self-help. And since they’ve been gone I’ve gotten no new bites so I’m guessing it was those little buggers and not the spiders like I had originally thought. The weather had gotten really nice and, even though it’s gloomy at the moment, I’m now itching to make the out side pretty with plants and flowers! The Germans really do their yards up nice. I mean NICE… they are small but an Eden. And thus I will try my had at gardening. Even though I’ve already managed to kill one plant this season. (Well, 5. But they were in one pot so I’m counting it as one) I’ll let you know how THAT turns out, so far I’ve managed to rake up all the leaves and pick up the endless amounts of broken toys and trash out there.

The weather was so nice we even got to play out side!
A few weeks ago I took a trip to Bamberg with my friend and her twin who is visiting. It was my third trip to Bamberg but my first warm and sunny one and boy was it incredible! If any of my friends and family want to come visit, do so in the warm months. It is truly 10X’s more beautiful, and I really thought it was beautiful before! We had some of the best gelato I’ve ever tasted and of course had the rauchbier (bacon beer) again. And even that was more enjoyable since we got to sit in the bier garten! So, yeah. Germany+Spring=AWESOME!

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it but, I’ve been helping someone out with her baby each day while she get’s some volunteer hours for her degree. But this week is her spring break, so I’m off too. Today I plan to (finally) hem our curtains from Ikea. If you thought US Ikea curtains were long, try the German ones. They are mounted on the ceiling and I STILL have about two feet of fabric pooled on the ground. Tonight I’m going to the high school and meeting with the director of their musical to watch their dress rehearsal of “The Little Mermaid” so I can help out with make up for the production. I’m hoping it will be fun. But it’s teenagers, so there is a chance I’ll tear my hair out. Only time will tell.
Other than that, I’m loaded up with doctors appointments and referrals to German doctors. Turns out, most of my hormones are pretty out of whack and they must be whipped back into shape by poking, prodding, pills and trans-vaginal sonograms. If you can avoid it, don’t turn 30, everything in your body changes or feels different. Not in that slowly changing and you manage to trace it back to your 30’s, kind of way. More of a short term change that happens within the actual 30th year of your life. So that’s my advice for the day
Have a great one and until next time, Tschüss!
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