Where did all the time go?
Time is truly fleeting. All the while I’ve know I was going to Germany, I’ve kept telling my self “there is plenty of time to do that” and yet here I am, two weeks out with… well, two weeks.
Time is truly fleeting. All the while I’ve know I was going to Germany, I’ve kept telling my self “there is plenty of time to do that” and yet here I am, two weeks out with… well, two weeks.
So, I pretty much have the most AWESOME birthday ever! Halloween! But since Halloween is on a Wednesday this year and I’ve been in PCS move stress overload, I didn’t want to plan anything. I always thought I would plan something outrageously fun for my 30th birthday because, I mean come on… I’m turning 30! That’s like a milestone of sorts. It’s the age that people actually BELIEVE that you’re an adult, unlike your 20’s where your in that strange limbo between teenager and full fledged adult.
Gregory Maguire is one of my favorite authors. I love how he takes child hood stories in which the characters seemed so cut and dry; The evil stepmother and her spoiled, bratty daughters, or the wicked witch of the west, and gives them a spin that only adulthood can make you realize, and empathize with.
Oh. My. God. This is so stressful! Just when you think you’ve got your shit together you get slapped in the face with… MORE SHIT!
With the army, you spend a whole lot of time waiting for the paperwork you need to do something, then, when you finally get it, you rush around trying to get everything done to move on to the next step. I’m a planner. I like to know what’s coming and the steps I need to take to get there, and not knowing when I’m moving has been EXTREEMLY stressful.
Sarah is my name, but how I got the “blue-jay” after it is a sweet little story that always warms my soul.